Self-harm is a growing phenomenon in many developing and developed societies. Self-cutting can be treated with the help of professionals.
Hope in the Cycle of Life
Ground your hope not in things, ranks, or position but in God’s loving presence who declared: “I will never leave you nor forsake you!”
Understanding Gaslighting and How to Avoid Being Gaslighted
Gaslighting can be found in all life’s areas. It can exist in marriages, workforce, educational institutions, politics, and religious groups.
Practice of Integrity
Only when we have integrity will our life’s example become influential to those we have opportunities to influence. Read, pause, reflect.
Adulterated Christianity
I confess that I desire to follow Christ, but I must declare I am a poor imitator of the Man!
Peril of Narcissism
Introduction A recent read has inspired me to write this article. Chuck DeGroat’s “When Narcissism Comes to Church” is quite thorough in its analysis of a pervasive problem that needs to be addressed. Several of the thoughts in this article were taken from this timely and helpful material. (DeGroat, 2020. InterVarsity Press). In Greek mythology, […]