Comments on: On Safe Distancing, Boundaries and Attachment to Things Life is a journey and purposeful reflections sustain its vitality Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:27:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Val Gonzales Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:27:01 +0000 In reply to Lynn Zhang.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment Lynn. May you weather this season with strength and grace .

By: Lynn Zhang Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:48:39 +0000 Many thanks for sharing the insightful reflections, Dr. Val.

Your reflection about safe-distancing points out that healthy relationship includes not only connection but also healthy boundary. Indeed, as human being, we do have limitation in bearing toxic things and should humbly admit it then adopt proper actions.

Your reflection also remind us what determine a person’s value. You are right that people usually place their value upon outside performing, thus it is not surprising that people feel very stressful if their productivity is weakened by the pandemic. However as you said, we should “derive our significance from fully embracing who we are before God–His creation who bears His image”. Even though we do not have much productivity, we can still say we are valuable as we bear God’s image. Our value come not from what we do but from who we are.

Another reflection helps me to treasure the opportunity brought by pandemic. When we have more time staying at home, we should take the time to look our inside and have more quality time with God, with ourselves and with our families, so that our relationship with God, selves and others could be renewed.

May God apply this unwanted episode as true blessings to His children.

By: Val Gonzales Fri, 24 Apr 2020 01:57:37 +0000 ]]> In reply to Bobsey.

Thanks for the affirming note. Do feel free to share this with friends . Shalom 🙏

By: Bobsey Fri, 24 Apr 2020 01:51:44 +0000 Great article full of insightful inputs! Dr Val. You are truly a gifted Christian Counsellor. Covid 19 is a challenge beyond our imagination. It changes our life’s priorities but with faith in Him, All will be well.
Permission to share this article to my friends. I hope it is alright with you.
Stay safe always. This too shall pass.

By: Val Gonzales Thu, 23 Apr 2020 16:46:15 +0000 In reply to Gracheal Lobo.

Indeed, sometimes unpleasant events which are totally unexpected can become vehicles for growth.


By: Gracheal Lobo Thu, 23 Apr 2020 12:15:33 +0000 Dr Val , thank you for the reflection.
Well, this lockdown has been a very different experience. I feel it’s God way of bringing families and friends together and gracefully breaking us to make us whole new people.
Thank you for penning down your thoughts. God bless!

By: Val Gonzales Thu, 23 Apr 2020 08:59:54 +0000 In reply to Maybeth Undag.

I am glad to know that this resonates with your thoughts as well.

By: Maybeth Undag Thu, 23 Apr 2020 06:56:07 +0000 A comment from Maybeth Undag., Baybay, Southern Leyte. “Thanks for sharing this, I’m so blessed and inspired. And I’m sharing this to my friends too.”

By: Val Gonzales Thu, 23 Apr 2020 03:16:36 +0000 In reply to romulo penaredondo.

Thanks for your affirming note. May you survive victoriously this episode . Warm regards to the family .

By: romulo penaredondo Thu, 23 Apr 2020 02:54:15 +0000 Indeed COVID 19 has poked us to awakening to a lot of things we have not given importance to despite their being essential in our lives. In fact, we pushed these out of our consciousness and into oblivion. Even our faith was not spared.

This article clearly places us where we should be and give us a better perspective of the future.

By the way, the sightings of birds from the wild in the city of New York also shows how the virus reduced the pollution level to draw these creatures into the city.
