Contrary to what many would think, Easter is a time of joyful celebration.
Yes, the suffering of Jesus, the Christ occurred which caused His death by crucifixion, a method used for an ordinary criminal. He was betrayed by one of His early followers for 30 pieces of silver, equivalent to about 90 -day wage. Then the man who declared that he will be loyal to Him till the very end denied Him 3 times.
After the betrayal, Jesus was arrested, bound, and brought to one religious leader after another, both of whom did not know what to do with His case. Finally, He was brought to the governor, Pontius Pilate who was confused because the primary charge of blasphemy against Jesus was baseless.
Not unlike many politicians today who do not have any moral backbone, Governor Pilate relented to the passion of the crowd who chanted “Crucify him!” and refused to release Jesus in spite of His innocence.
And so Jesus was crucified. As all these events unfolded the phrase “so that the scripture will be fulfilled” has become more remarkably significant.
Eventually, the whole episode ended, so they thought, with the death and burial of Jesus.
But as the narrative continues to unfold, the burial simply gave way to the most important event that is celebrated by Christians all over the world today, which is the resurrection of Jesus!
The Lord did not remain in the grave; He rose from the dead! He is alive! The occasion of His resurrection is what makes Christian believers come together every Sunday of each week to celebrate.
That is why for Christians, worship is a time of celebration.
We are going to revisit that record of John 20:1-31 regarding this unparalleled event in human history.
The fullness of joy at Easter is based upon the empty tomb!
Easter Sunday reminds that in Christ the most painful human occurrence (death) can be transformed into the most joyful experience (resurrection). In the empty tomb, we see the supernatural transformative power of God at work.
Three Levels of Change which demonstrate the transformative power of the empty tomb
Level 1 – From confusion to stabilizing faith (verses 1-9).
The passage introduces to three important personnel involved in the Resurrection narrative:
(a) Mary Magdalene – On the first day of the week, while it was still dark, she went to the tomb to see where Jesus’ body was laid. The records of Matthew, Mark, and Luke indicate there were other women who went along to anoint the Lord’s body with spices. When she and the others saw the empty tomb, the initial response was that of confusion!
They ran hastily to report the confusing scenario. The fact that Mary Magdalene and other women (Mary, the mother of James, and Salome) were the first to discover and to tell two disciples of Christ informs us of one truth: the first to proclaim the glorious gospel of the empty tomb were women.
(b) Peter and (c) John. Upon hearing the news that the body of Jesus was taken out of the tomb, the two ran quickly towards the tomb with the younger John outrunning the older Peter.
John, however, gave Peter the preference to enter the tomb first as a gesture of respect. Peter saw the strips of linen lying there with the burial cloth which had been wrapped around the head.
The passage reads, “The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen” (7). The description informs that the departure of the body was orderly and unhurried. It suggests that it was not hastily stolen by a thief as maliciously conveyed by religious leaders.
After Peter, John entered and saw for himself that the body was not there and yet the linen and head-cloth were folded as they were. When John saw the whole scenario he concluded that right before his eyes were the pieces of evidence that Christ has risen from the dead as He promised!
Thus, the earlier experience of confusion was supernaturally transformed into stabilizing faith in the risen Christ!
Level 2 – From grief to joyful proclamation (verses 10- 18)
This passage speaks largely of Mary Magdalene. Neither is she a prostitute as many people have alluded to nor the same unnamed sinful woman in Luke 7 who offered an alabaster vial of perfume and poured it at the feet of Jesus.
She was delivered of 7 demons according to Luke 8. Mary Magdalene is mentioned 14 times in the gospels and a striking feature in 8 of those times is that she would lead the list of several women which suggests her influence.
Five times her name was mentioned in connection with the death and resurrection of Christ. Now, this whole passage speaks so much of her grief.
It is true indeed, that the depth of grief is directly proportionate to the quality of love for the dead. The deeper our love for the dead, the greater our grief over the loss.
Mary Magdalene’s sadness flooded her eyes with tears that she was unable to recognize the identity of two angels who asked why she was crying. She was so focused on the extreme pain that she was blocked from recognizing the presence of the Savior.
Grief can engulf our body, mind, and spirit with such intense pain we are prevented from recognizing the nearness of divine blessing.
The same pain can even cause our hope to be shattered at the moment that we may fail to hear the voice of our Lord.
Only when He calls our name to attention, as he did to Mary, that our tears will give way to awareness and our pain will awaken us to our gain.
In Mary’s response, we see the transformation of grief to the joyful proclamation. Mary did not keep quiet about her experience.
Level 3. From fear to inner peace (verses 19-30)
The passage tracks the disciples at the upper room, perhaps the same place where they met three nights before. The doors of the room where they met were locked for fear of the Jews.
Perhaps they were thinking, Now what? What will happen to them now that their leader is dead?
Will the passion of the crowd be extended to them as well? Will they be killed by crucifixion too since they have been identified already by their response to the suffering Jesus?
And what about their families? Will they suffer too due to their association with each of them?
And while they were gathered together trying to figure out what to do next, an astonishing event happened. Jesus appeared and stood in their midst declaring, “Peace be with you.” Take note that there is no mention of doors being unlocked.
While the doors remained locked Jesus stood among them. The same body which passed through the linen without unwrapping the fold had passed through the locked doors. This is now the resurrected body.
To prove that this is really Him, Jesus showed His hands and sides apparently still scarred by the nail marks. The disciples were overjoyed.
Thomas at this time was not there. He expressed his doubt when told of the Lord’s appearing. He also stated that he will believe when he sees both the hands and the sides of the Lord.
A week after with the same doors locked, Jesus appeared again and said to the disciples, “Peace be with you.”
Thomas was asked to put his fingers on the hands and side of Jesus. Only then did he believe.
Promptly he was told to stop doubting and simply believe.
And the Lord taught the disciples a spiritual insight: there is more blessedness in believing without having to seek for visual proof.
Here we see the supernatural power of the risen Christ to transform fear to inner peace, the most profound sense of wholeness!
We learn three levels of change which demonstrate the transformative power of the empty tomb.
The two disciples, Peter and John were changed from confusion to stabilizing faith; Mary Magdalene was changed from grief to joyful proclamation; the rest of the disciples were changed from fear to inner peace.
The power of the empty tomb is the power of the resurrection, the same power that brings change!
The same Christ who is alive today can change your life inside out.
Are you confused, sorrowful, or anxious?
He can change your confusion to the faith that stabilizes; He can change your sorrow to joyful proclamation; He can change your fear anxiety to inner peace that defies human understanding.
He has changed my life too – from an arrogant, materialistic, self-centered individual to one whose primary desire is to follow the example of Christ in humility, simplicity and God-fearing service.
Many of you may be encountering some trials that you are immobilized!
Let the message of the resurrection empower you to focus your eyes upon Jesus and not upon your trials.
The primary purpose why this event was recorded and is now being proclaimed is found in the last verse: But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name (verse 31).
Will you indeed believe!
Dr. Val, you really soared high in your Ministry and in your advocacy. I would congratulate you for a job well done. You are the pride of the family, an exceptional son of a Gonzales scion who successfully made a name to himself and to his own family. The good Lord blessed you with the gift of articulateness so that you can share His Word, the message of truth to mankind.
I’m so impressed and inspired by your Easter message. It was beautifully written and explained. I believe on what you said that “the power of the empty tomb is the power of the resurrection”
At first many were confused for they might not able to comprehend the real and true essence on why Jesus came back to life. Yes, He is alive and He will continue to abide by His Father’s law to save mankind from sin.
“Many politicians today do not have any moral backbone.” They are leaders of their own country and their people put their trust in them. However, these politicians played a blind eye and deaf ears to the teachings of Christ. They denied the teachings of Truth, they were blinded and corrupted by greed, power of money just to satisfy their own self-interests. It’s sad though, the world has become a chaotic place to live on. The people’s faith is challenged between the force of evil and truth. I still believe that there will be a conversion among people who are looking for peace and happiness in their lives. It is through Jesus that these dreams will be fulfilled.
Continue your Divine mission to preach the Gospel. You were called for this vocation and you will persevere throughout the ages.
Thank you, Dr. Val, and again, good luck and more power of eloquence to spread the message of our Maker and our Saviour, Jesus Christ! He is alive and He is here!!
Happy Easter to you and your whole family.
You are an instrument that God’s name will be known to everyone.